Jun 30, 2016
This week's episode of The Chauncey
DeVega Show features Alondra Nelson. She is a
Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies at Columbia University
and author of the new book,
The Social Life of DNA.
In this week's installment of the podcast, Dr. Nelson and Chauncey
talk about DNA, the body, race, and how many...
Jun 24, 2016
This week's episode of The Chauncey DeVega Show features Professor Courtney Baker. She is a professor at Connecticut College and author of the new book, Humane Insight: Looking at Images of African-American Suffering and Death.
In this week's installment of the podcast, Dr. Baker and Chauncey talk about police and...
Jun 17, 2016
Jun 10, 2016
This week's episode of The
Chauncey DeVega Show features Claire Conner. She is the author of
Wrapped in the Flag: A Personal History of America's Radical
Right. This is the second part of our conversation here on
The Chauncey DeVega Show. The first episode can be
listened to
Claire Conner is one
Jun 2, 2016
This week's episode of The Chauncey DeVega Show features Claire Conner. She is the author of Wrapped in the Flag: A Personal History of America's Radical Right.
Claire Conner possesses unique insights about the Republican Party, the John Birch Society, and the broader White Right which she so generously shares during...