Nov 9, 2016
This week's very special episode
of The Chauncey DeVega Show focuses on the 2016
presidential election and Donald Trump's victory over Hillary
Clinton. Historian, writer, and friend of Chauncey DeVega, the one
and only "Werner Herzog's Bear" aka Jason Tebbe stopped by the
show Sunday night to soothe Chauncey's nerves about what could--and
did--transpire on Election Day.
As the horrible outcome that was
Donald Trump's victory became readily apparent, Mama DeVega called
in to share her analysis and thoughts. Hint: like Chauncey, she too
thought that Trump would win the presidency. And like Chauncey, she
too is mighty upset at the stupidity of white American voters who
backed the fascist racist Donald Trump.
During this week's special Election
Day podcast, Chauncey cuts a promo on the Trumpthuglicans, curses
the black and Latino idiots who voted for Donald Trump, and ponders
the future of the United States. Chauncey also tries to resist
saying "I told you so" about how he and Michael Moore predicted
Trump's victory more than a year ago.