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Dec 23, 2014

For this, the sixth episode of the third season of The Chauncey DeVega Show, I had the good fortune to chat with Tim Wise.

Tim is one of the United States' leading anti-racist educators and activists. He is the author of numerous books including Dear White AmericaWhite Like MeSpeaking Treason Fluently, and Between Barack and a Hard Place. In addition to speaking engagements stateside and internationally, Tim is a frequent guest on MSNBCCNN, and other media outlets. Tim's website can be found here.

In this episode of The Chauncey DeVega Show, Tim and I talk about the grind of travel, the merits (or not) of reading email and online comments, what it is like to have Nazi pen pals, pathetic black conservative race hustlers, his recent appearance on CNN's Headline News Network, his new documentary Colorblind: The Rise of Post-Racial Politics and the Retreat from Racial Equity, and why the Age of Obama has driven so many white folks--especially on the Right--into a state of mouth-frothing madness.

The format for The Chauncey DeVega Show is that of a virtual bar or salon where two folks sit down and chat with the conversation going where it does naturally. Tim and I have talked over the years via email: this new episode of the podcast series is an extension of that dialogue.

Kenneth Gordon
almost seven years ago

Hello Tim, today I saw you for the first time on “Everyday Racism in America”. I was so impressed with your discussion on gentrification. Recently, I was searching for my childhood home which is 1460 T Street NW, Washington, DC. Last year in September this home sold for $1,060,000. Being nearly a 70 year old black retiree, I was shocked. I was trying to express my feelings about this sale to my granddaughter who is attending Howard U. My great grandmother (lived to be 104 years old) purchased this home in the 1930’s and it sold in the late 70’s early 80’s for $20 to $30 thousands. What I wanted to do was to visit DC and show my granddaughter the neighborhood that help shape my formative years. Unfortunately, I had some ambivalence about doing this but I could not articulate these feelings until I heard you today. You gave me some structure to hang my feelings. Thank you, I will purchase your new release when it is publish. Regards KG of CA